Wednesday, March 23, 2011

A Quiet Night

Sunday is reserved for rest. Cliche? God, I hope not.

This past saturday was my one month anniversary in LA. Lame to celebrate? I didn't celebrate but it was kind of nice to acknowledge it. I didn't get myself a cake or anything. I didn't pat myself on the back for surviving this long, even though to some it is quite an accomplishment. I simply was happy about it. Saturday I had a function. Went to a charity event for a school of which a friend's niece attends. I was supposed to volunteer but was given little responsibility so I rubbed shoulders with people that have far more access and responsibility than I. I dressed well, behaved in an agreeable manner, a little dine and dine here and there, with a drink everywhere in between. It was fun.

I had worked earlier that day then after work I had ran errands with my friend for the evenings gala event. Gala. Really? Well it was in a fancy room at a hotel with a 20's theme so.... yeah, gala, fuck it. So despite being my anniversary I didn't do much for myself except have a good time. I know, I am so selfish.

What did I do sunday? nothing. I slept. I slept like 10 hours after the party, took a three hour nap in the middle of the day sunday and went to bed by 10. It was fabulous. Let me say that again. It was fabulous. I didn't want to remove myself from the couch. I was a vegetable. I don't know what vegetable is heavily rooted into the ground but I was that vegetable on growth hormones. Sure, i've had days like this before. I've done nothing. There's been nights I called it early, especially if I had to be at work at 5 am but this day was kind of special. I choose to do nothing. I wasn't being lazy. I was a little. I wasn't being unproductive. I was a little. I wasn't even bothered by the white flag I threw in for the day. Egh, nah (throw in a bunch of other sounds that don't make up words) not really. I had done nothing. For once, I wasn't going out to meet the 1 of the 3 friends I have in this town. I wasn't getting ready for work. I wasn't looking for an apartment or a job. I wasn't working on a project. I wasn't invested in anything or anyone except sleep.

Sleep. There are times I neglect you. I am sorry sleep. When I neglect you, I am really neglecting my body. I am sorry. I don't mean to hurt you but sometimes I am busy with responsibility or fun and that is just life but I promise to take a Me day from time to time and give the rest of the world the middle finger.

Oh well, till next time.

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