Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So some inquiring minds often wonder what I am like these days?

Not, what I am doing with myself or what is going on but what I am like...?

As if, I have suddenly changed. Or Maybe not so sudden? I suppose it is possible. A move, a shift to the west coast might change a guy. I'm still relatively young and impressionable. I can be swayed, influenced, manipulated and coerced into various situations, both positive and/or negative creating a change, twist or slightly altered self.

Have I changed? I don't think so. I still feel like me but that is a really dumb statement. I have not become rude like a fair amount of Los Angelinos. I don't throw money to the poor sales clerks at my local pizza shop. I also don't talk on my cell phone when I place my order. I still open doors for people and say thank you when it is done for me. I try to smile and be polite and don't offer a meaningless apology when I do otherwise.

Have I changed? So far, I don't think so. I have not adapted to California pizza. I don't like In-N-Out Burger. I don't surf. Despite a promising love affair with the Dodgers, I have not converted to liking any LA sports teams and that includes the Lakers. I don't wear black all the time and I have not perfected the five o'clock shadow from yesterday, for today. I don't own Ray-Bans. I still use my turning signals while driving. LA people like to try to get into elevators before you or anyone else in the elevator gets out. I still enjoys zoos and hats. I also find it a bit odd when restaurants and bars have out door heaters when it hits a temperature below 70 degrees. Maybe that is the Midwest in me that is still telling me 65 degrees is not cold.

Los Angelites also tend to say a lot and back up very little. They want to get to know you, work with you or hang out with you or at least they say they do but a lot of times such things never happen. I understand what Chili Palmer went thru in the film Get Shorty. I say what I mean. Far too many in this town sugar coat, bullshit or simply lie and then insincerely apologize afterwards.

All of this kind of stuff sounds like LA bashing but I have met plenty of good people in LA. A large percentage of the time they are from somewhere else but beware, when you come to LA, it can change you.

Maybe I haven't changed or maybe I don't want to think of myself that way. I still have a desire to buy more music and movies than I can afford. Thankfully, I don't. I still kill any plant I buy. I'm trying hard not to. Stupid Orchids. I still root for my Midwest and east coast sports teams (Go Browns, Buckeyes and Red Sox!). While dancing to my own tune, I still play too many air instruments in public. I still try to maintain my shape and fitness. I have started to wear Top-Siders but will not let go of my various Chuck Taylors. I still enjoys zoos, hats and useless information. Thankfully, I live by one of the few Wendy's in this town and I cannot resist a spicy chicken sandwich from time to time. My hand writing is still a bit messy and I don't read as much as I should but I still buy books in the pursuit to look smart.

Sure, there are a lot of things that haven't changed like my fear of almost anything or my over excitement for childish type things. I haven't gotten taller and I haven't purchased a new nose. I don't have a tattoo, yet, but since everyone here has a tattoo my desire for one has somewhat faded.

So with 6 months into this trip, I guess I haven't changed much but maybe just evolved into a cooler, sexier, more talented, crime fighting, lady loving man. I've also become quite good at using a thesaurus and exaggeration, some might call it hyperbole.

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