Monday, June 6, 2011

It's been a month. I'm still alive.

So I noticed about a week ago that it had been 3 weeks since I have posted anything on this blog. Shame on me. I don't want all my adoring fans (I'm thinking 14) to miss out on my adventures. It's not that I am lacking ideas just working on other things in my life.

So a quick update. Still working, at home, at coffee shop and picked up a second gig moving furniture for the month of June. The plot to turn my normal body into a sexy one is still stuck in the second act. I went to Hawaii with my father. It was fabulous. A much needed vacation (debatable) with much needed time spent with family (not debatable). Thanks pap.

I got a ukulele. I hear all the chicks love guys who play ukulele. Why else would lead singer of Pearl Jam, Eddie Vedder release an album of music featuring the ukulele? If ukulele becomes the hottest thing of the 2011 summer and I get no love from it, I'll be super pissed. So far, I would say I am better at ukulele than guitar. It has taken me years to become less than mediocre at guitar while it has only taken me about a month to learn most of the songs I already know on guitar. By the by, I'm not being modest when I claim to be less than mediocre at guitar. I can only play about a dozen songs, most of them less than four chords.

I've been writing a lot. You might not be able to tell by this blog but I am. I even took the time to write my first poems in about 3 years. Oh yes, back to writing love lusting poetry fit for high school teensters... that's me! Also made another failed attempt at reading Camus and contemplating revisiting Moby Dick for some reason. It might be because I'm reading The Whale: In Search Of Giants of the Sea by Phillip Hoare. I don't know, I'm so good at barely reading that it seems silly to push myself? (please note sarcasm) I really should read more things other than music and movie reviews, blogs and the occasional newspaper.

What else?

Other than trying to turn my apartment into a home, becoming more familiar with the LA landscape, making new friends and drinking a fair amount of cocktails, not much is new. No new revelations about life other than I might take an acting class in the fall. I am toying with the idea because everyone insists I should. Is it sad that the only reason I am hesitant to act is that I don't want to become an LA cliche? Oh well.

till next time

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