Friday, April 15, 2011

This-Is-LA. Where the Party At?

This weekend is Coachella weekend. So the party is at Coachella.

Coachella does not take place in LA but in Palm Springs. From what I gather, Palm Springs is a couple hours away from LA. I have no sense of direction, especially in a city I just moved to, so I really have no idea. Coachella is a music festival full of attractive, hot, sweaty people with other less attractive sweaty people grooving to righteous tunes, doing drugs, drinking drinks and kicking it, all in the hopes of a good time.

I am not going to Coachella. Of course not. It a simple case of funds. I don't have funds for concert, stay, and good times. I just moved to California and I work a job that doesn't pay me in exciting festival tickets and then some. I accept the short comings for now. But let's face it. Do I really want to go to a place that is hot, filled with 18-40 year old people drinking lots of beer and what not, half naked people everywhere, dancing, and mischievous behavior? Of course I do. Do I want to be at a place where normal people and undercover cops walk around asking you if you want shrooms or assistive products for your enjoyment? Do I want to see the Black Keys (represent Ohio baby!) rock the house/festival? Do I want to hear the throws of passion between one couple in the tent next to me? Yes, Yes, and sure.

I've been in LA for almost two months now and I haven't seen the bar where bad things happens. I say, "bad" meaning cool and I say, "bar" meaning any place where there is cocaine in the bathroom, someone fucking in the stall and a famous person making it rain with something other than George Washingtons. Where is this place? For years I've heard of the excess that LA throws at you but I have yet to see it.

In truth, I have yet to see it because I go to bed most nights by 11 (PM not AM). I don't go to that many bars because it is an issue of funds. I don't have funds for lavish beer activities and friendly socializing with complete strangers. Not only do I go to bed at 11 (PM not AM), most nights but I don't do cocaine and have no intention to start. I don't have sex in public bathroom stalls nor do I know any famous person who will make it rain anything bigger than a $20. Just saying. Do people still make it rain? Is that a cool thing to say still? I don't even know what is cool! So it makes sense that I don't know where the party is at or where the drugs are or where the sex be taking place or where the celebs waste their fortune on the little people like me.

Maybe my naivety just led me to believe that the party happens everywhere in Los Angeles. It's the city of angels and demons. Good people doing virtuous good things that good people do that make you feel guilty for not being as good as they are. Demons doing naughty, naughty things that you wave your finger towards but inside you say to yourself, "man, I wish I could do that and not get caught." Jokes and the egg yolks are on me because the only angels I see are made of stone and plaster inside pier gift shops and the only demons I notice are on the 405, typically behind the wheel of the faster moving vehicles.

So I'll have to live without the fun and adventure of extravagant living. I'm almost 30! I may not exactly always act my age but I certainly act my wage because I cannot afford to party. Maybe not affording to party is affording me the time to work on the various projects I neglect? Hmmm... Is it possible by working hard now, I can party later? Why do I have this fascination to party?I like to party. Everyone likes to party. Sure I might be turning 30 sooner than later but I fear letting go of the youthful spirit that has made me so much fun to somebody who thinks I am fun will just bring out the bore in me. I don't want to be lame. I know going to bed at 11 (PM not AM) is pretty lame. I might already be lame.

Oh fuck it! Why am I complaining? The most fun times I've had are hanging with two or three good friends in quiet bars, at the movies, in pool halls, playing cards, at a show or around someones house. I've always resigned to the notion that it's not what you do but who you do it with that makes it fun. Who cares about the party because it is the company you keep. Yeah!

(pause for effect)



yeah, I'll go with that for now.

till next time.

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