Sunday, July 17, 2011


I haven't been writing in this blog as much as one would like. The one would be me. I have sort of hit a wall. If I knew the components to building a solid fortifying wall I would go on and on about this wall that is not safe guarding my creativity but keeping my creativity from escaping.

I like to imagine the wall has layers like a Dairy Queen ice cream cake that happens to be 72 feet high. That's a lot of cake. For looks we can add a moat. The wall is high and dangerous. I think I'll find myself a twelve year old with a vivid imagination and an obsession with Lord of the Rings to help me with my wall construction.

I haven't been writing here because I don't have too much to report. I feel that maybe I should put myself in more adventurous situations. Maybe I haven't been writing in my blogs because I have been stressed with my own writing. I moved to LA to write.

I am trying to write a script. I know. I know. Such a cliche. young stud(?) comes to LA from small town, nowhere USA and wants to write, live and die. I guess it could be worse. I could be an actor. So I am writing a script. Is it Sunset Boulevard or Hiroshima Mon Amour? Not exactly. Megh, it's not even close. But I've been stuck. One scene that has been rewritten more times than I have fingers and it still stinks. I haven't been able to figure it out and because of that I have ever growing doubts. Cliche strikes again! Another writer unsure of his abilities is the story of my life. Well, I'd rather be that guy than the arrogant prick who writes for the sake of some self serving prophecy.

Some days I stare at my computer like the girl at the bar I know I cannot get. If you know me that means I'm sitting at the bar with no intention to go up to that girl and even try. Cowardly? Yes but even worse, it's unproductive. I have felt uninspired. I might as well have be typing with a piano.

I don't need blocks. I have my fair share of distractions, frustrations and confrontations to handle. This blog entry alone is just an excuse to exercise certain demons. I am writing today. I will write tomorrow. I will write on Tuesday. No time for excuses and running low on time for results.

I vented. thanks blog. Off this crazy thing called love and onto the next topic.