Sunday, February 27, 2011

Transplant LA and A promise

So I moved here not too long ago. It was decades in the hoping and years in the making. Many of those years were talking about things that never happened. 5 years ago, I was moving to LA. 4 years ago I was moving to LA. 2 years ago, 1 year ago, in a year I'm moving to LA. Why now? Does it matter?

Isn't the most important thing is that I left? That I am in LA? I think so. The surprise was the support. I don't know what horrible thing that happened in my life for me to believe that people are selfish and horrible because that is wrong. I am not saying everyone is just delight and peachy but many showed their support in my adventure. Many giving their encouragement in the pursuit of my dreams as well as restaurant recommendation and safe travel wishes. It was flattering. Many expressed how bold, daring or frightening my move was and is. That might be true. I am scared. Maybe this is the boldest thing I have ever done but in fairness, there are countless amounts of people here who made the same decision to move from the comfort of home and pursue the adventure of finding and building a new home in Southern California.

As I meet more and more people, it makes the adventure more comforting and at the same time more daunting. It is comfortable to know that I am not the only one but at the same time so many pursuing a dream of stardom that I must question what separates me from the rest.... I don't know.

All I know is that I am not alone and my journey is not better, harder, worse or any different than countless others who seek to live in LA for more than just the weather. People come here to do business, make business, sell something, sell themselves, develop something, become something, be something or be somebody. Maybe I can be somebody. For many reasons and from many different locations, people come move to LA.

I find it funny that many people consistently tell me not to forget the "little people" or "where I came from." I could never forget any people who had an impact on me or forget where I come from. I was born in Ohio, parents from Colombia and friends from everywhere. I am here on the shoulders of many and to forget those people would simply mean I have forgotten myself. If I do anything in this life, it will because of those who have supported me and unfortunately those who doubted me.

It is a shame not all of us can reach the top. It is a shame that we all cannot be stars or even be successful. Maybe that is not the goal and anyone who simply seeks fame and fortune doesn't deserve it. I don't quite know what I want and what I am looking for, but I search every day and I won't stop till I do.

till next time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Casual Observations 2/24/11

Casual Observations. Today we focus a little on LA and a little on me.

LA doesn't seem like any different place while seeming like a completely different place. Sure there is traffic. There is actually quite a lot of traffic. It takes forever to get anywhere. This doesn't bother me, what bothers me is the few gas stations that are available in the city. My paranoia level goes from green to orange when I am down to my last gallon of gas and I have no idea where to find a gas station. urgh. So was the case a couple of days ago. You think if you drive down a busy street like Santa Monica boulevard there would be more gas stations. No, I was like a duck in water freaking out.

Just a tip if you are driving thru town and you accidentally get stuck in a crosswalk be prepared for angry skater hipsters crossing the street to give a stare down and then menacingly ask you, "what are you looking at." I know, being a car stuck in the crosswalk is a no-no in this town but it was an accident. I was stuck in heavy traffic, at an intersection which forces you to do one of two things of impatience, wait or cross. If you cross then you might not make it across and then you are stuck in the middle, with cars honking, middle fingers waiving and you are the dick that was too impatient to wait. If you successfully cross then you feel like you just won bingo and what's better than winning bingo? If you wait then the people behind you wonder why this asshole (me) isn't pushing it to the limit. I failed in several ways. I crossed but not entirely as I was stuck in the crosswalk which resulted in an angry young man's evil glare. He will probably go off and strangle some pigeon or tell his friends about some jerk who doesn't know that people walk crosswalks. George and I try not to be rude but things like that happen. Good thing I have a moderate threshold for arrogant douchebagery.

Now to something completely different. Why, in LA do women wear black all the time? Is there a special on black clothing here? Are they part of a cult or union that wear black all the time? It's a pandemic. I'm scarred. No it's not just the hipsters who wear layer and layer of black or the pale goth vixens that wear little black to cover their light skin, it's all types of women. While driving the streets on tuesday I tallied 72 woman wearing nothing but black and only 4 women wearing other colors. This study was not professionally handled. It was a relief yesterday to see women out and about wearing some yellow, blue or even white. a relief.

either way, the air of LA is still with me. I love it. Yes, I said "air of LA." It's the equivalent of lofty words or phrases that people use to describe the "energy" of New York City or the "juno se qua" of Paris. I may be a small town kid but I've seen the big city. I am not overwhelmed by all the things LA has and Ohio doesn't because that would just simply be stupid. There are people here, movie theaters, malls, bars, ladies who are scared of chihuahuas and airports. By the way, yes, while walking down the street with one of my mates, a lady turned the corner saw two sweater dressed chihuahuas, clutched my friends arm, said, "oh no" and with giddy fear quickly turned the corner. I had never seen such a little dog evoke so much fear into a person. Maybe she was allergic, maybe she has strange dreams involving her tiny nemesis and some strange scientific sexual torture, or maybe she is just a cat person. I don't know but it was kind of awesome. Yes, i find pleasure it mid 30 year old ladies being frightened by chihuahuas in sweaters. Maybe she is horrified by the dogs fashion sense? hmmm.....

This is a great place. Is it perfect? It doesn't have to be. I'm looking for a home and a life not the holy grail. Oh well. till we meet again.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Welcome. How do you do? New Adventure? Thank You


I greet you because maybe you've never heard of me or maybe we've known each other for years, either way I find it appropriate to be polite.

As you can assume by my not so clever title to this blog that I am an Ohio Boy recently relocated to Los Angeles. Maybe you didn't pick up on the recently part since that is not mentioned in the title. My move is so recent that I have yet to find a permanent address. It has only been 3 days and hotels though expensive have been good to me. Hotel over crashing at a friend's house seemed to be the best option. It allows a certain flexibility, wake up late or early, come home with the same options. No invasion of space. Invasion of space is quite important in certain area of the home like the bedroom, bathroom, and couch. I choose to leave the awkward moments alone. Unfortunately Jennifer Anniston's residence was not available.

Anyway, I'm here and I've always wanted to be here. Since I was 12 or something like that. Maybe 11 or 13, but then again something like that. I've always wanted to be here because of the same reasons everyone else wants to be here. It may not be original but it is my dream. I've wanted to write or be behind a camera, on stage or making something from nothing for the entertainment of people. Since I was a boy I've wanted to entertain in my own way. I studied film in college and write little rumbling in my off time, play mediocre (that's being kind) guitar and I am trying to learn the vast of art and philosophy of becoming a Dj. Wild isn't it?

Who knows? Maybe I can land a commercial deal since I've been told over the past decade that I look like the Verizon "Can you hear me now?" guy, the UPS white board fella, and as of recently the State Farm Insurance dude.

I don't know. I choose to live my life the way I always do with complete optimism and fear. Optimism because I am pretty open minded about things and fear because paranoia takes over. Will I become the next Rudolph Valentino? Except for an early death at 31, I'd hope so. That doesn't mean death at 33 is acceptable or anything like that. I don't know what it takes to be big or cool. It seems these days it takes luck, connections, hard work and being at the right places at the right time as well as magic to make it anywhere in life, especially Hollywood. I don't know, maybe I'll give myself a movie star name, grow awkward facial hair and have a persona that is captivating yet disgusting and then I'll be HUGE ! Or maybe I'll just be me and see where the cards fall.

till then, I'll write an update here and there about an adventure I care to share for those who have believed in me, those who sadly want to live vicariously through me and those who doubted me for all the years. Till then, best wishes.